BVMW visit to KMH

KMH begrüßt den Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft in Bassum

On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of welcoming some members of the BVMW – Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft – to KMH for an exciting company tour! A total of 15 visitors from a wide range of industries and regions visited our premises.

After a warm welcome and a company presentation by Martina Kammann, our Head of Expertise Phillip Iding took the guests on a detailed and exciting tour of our production facilities. Afterwards, we rounded off the day with tasty snacks and interesting discussions.

Special thanks go to Detlef and Alexander Blome for the great opportunity and organisation! The colourful mix of participants made for many new and interesting contacts – we look forward to future cooperation and other great BVMW events. We would like to thank all visitors and colleagues for a wonderful afternoon!

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